
Why are soft caster wheels better than hard wheels?

 Why are soft caster wheels better than hard wheels?   Business When you decide about buying casters, there is always a dilemma; whether to buy soft wheels or hard wheels? If you ask people about their experience , then there are always varied opinions. While some people vouch for soft wheels, some stand by with hard ones. In any case, you have plenty of Caster wheels suppliers in Mumbai who offer all types of wheels. Therefore, availability is never an issue. As far as pros and cons of both types of wheels are concerned, the article discusses the same. Based on various qualities, you can decide which one is suitable for your application. What is the science behind it? Yes, science is there everywhere. Before deciding ont hard or soft wheels, let’s understand the theory behind it. In an ideal situation, the floor is smooth, firm, clean and perfectly leveled. Is it possible practically? Certainly not! Hence, you need to check the floor quality before selection. For a firm surface, a har